Thursday, December 18, 2008

Random News

Wow! Lots to catch up on...

First, I'm so excited Baby Borich finally made her appearance. Bennett was born last Thursday, and, if the Facebook pictures are accurate, is adorable! I can't wait to meet her!

Secondly, we had our first dance of the year at school last Friday. Winter Wonderland. The gym looked awesome and we had music, photos, and snacks for the kiddos. I think the students all had fun (even though there was one almost fight and lots of groping). I enjoyed seeing them let loose and have fun...oh and my 3 year old date, Davion.

My YA Lit Blog is coming along nicely. I don't know if any of the kids are really using it, but I'm having fun reading and blogging.

We had a snow day on Monday. Much needed time off. I watched movies and stayed in my pajamas all day long.

I had a near crisis on Tuesday when my windshield wipers fell apart on the way home. I BARELY made it to O'Reilley's to get new ones.

Tomorrow is our 2nd Annual Cookie Exchange at work and the start of our winter break. I'm really excited and hope to actually do something over break. I've been in a little funk this week and am hoping being off school and feeling like I can actually do stuff will break me out of it.


Joi said...

Let's break that little funk and get together for good fun, food, and friends.

I miss you, anna girl! : )

Here's to two weeks off school!!!!!