Friday, February 22, 2008

Oh, the weather outside is frightful...

Our art teacher starts singing this every time the weather gets bad. It is pretty funny but totally fits the last couple of days. Yesterday I got all the way to work, was in the process of walking into the building, when they announced that school had been cancelled. So, we had to stay until the 7 kiddos that were already at school were picked up and then we left. I, of course, being the dutiful librarian that I am picked up some books to read before I left.

So far I've read Project Princess (book 4 1/2 of the Princess Diaries Series) and am in the midst of reading the first of The Beacon Street series. Neither are heavy thinking YA books, but enjoyable for the chick lit reader that I am.

Update to the previous post-the witch doctor didn't really teach me anything. I pretty much heard things I already knew, but I upon leaving felt depressed. Apparently in order to be healthy I can't eat anything I like...pretty much lots of veggies and fruits. I do enjoy fruit and veg as much or more than the next guy, but I also LOVE bread and potatoes. I've decided to attempt to eat even better than I have been but know that I am human and sometimes make not so good choices.

Off to read some more now!


Joi said...

anna! you never told me you started a blog!!!!! i would've been reading it daily!

i bookmarked it now :-)

thanks for the sweet words about maw maw...i appreciate it so much!

love you!!!!!!!!!!!