Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We interupt this regularly scheduled non-blogging to bring you...

this! I went to see The Proposal with a few friends yesterday and it was so funny! Seriously, like, I don't remember when the last time I laughed out loud that much at a movie theater. Plus, there was lots of Ryan Reynolds (aka Berg!). Ryan and I go way back to the days of Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place. I love, love, LOVED that show! Anyhow, I just needed an excuse to post this picture again.

In other news, I was forced to sit in virtually no air conditioning with no air circulation or windows all morning. I think I'm a little loopy and have a raging headache. I drank as much water as possible and am now peeing every five seconds. A nap was certainly called for in this situation. I feel a little bit better but am going to take it easy tonight.

Off to Blockbuster to trade in Vicky Christina Barcelona (odd but decent movie) for something lighthearted that I can watch tonight from my couch. I promise pictures of my spending spree soon!


k8 said...

Thank you for the photo...a nice pick me up at the end of the day!

Anna said...

Anytime Kate, ANYTIME!